Kyrgios 'battling a little' and having sleepless nights amid Tesla gunpoint incident

Thursday, 04 May 2023 at 15:00
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Nick Kyrgios admitted on social media that he's not been sleeping well lately following an incident back home where his mother was held at gunpoint.
A few days ago there was a robbery at the Kyrgios family home in Canberra where a Tesla car was stolen. It lasted only briefly as the police reacted swiftly catching the culprit but it affected Kyrgios deeply because his mother was held at gunpoint before she handed over the keys. Kyrgios is very close with his mother as talked about her often last year expressing a wish to be with her as she was dealing with health issues.
His story on Instagram expressed grattitude for all of those that reached out with support:
“Last couple days has been rough … haven’t slept much and battling a little. Appreciative of all the support.”

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