Giorgi's family also investigated for fake COVID-19 certificates

Wednesday, 28 December 2022 at 09:30
camila giorgi montreal 2
Camila Giorgi is being investigated for a possibility of a fake COVID-19 vaccination certificate and her family members are now part of the investigation as well.
Camila Giorgi recently made headlines when reports from Italy suggested she obtained fake COVID-19 vaccination certificates which she used to travel around the world and play tennis. According to the reports, Giorgi never got vaccinated but simply had papers signed by a doctor that handed over more than a few of those fake ones.
Her family members such as her father is are also being investigated for the same reason as he too travelled with her to events. According to reports, 15 persons in total are being investigated. The doctor in question did confirm that he handed out face ones but only to those who really 'needed it'.
He said:
"False vaccines have been made, but only to my colleagues, nurses, etc., who had pathologies, who were about to die if they made a vaccine... They were desperate."
It's unclear what kind of punishment Giorgi might face if she gets proven guilty.

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