Pascal Michiels

Pascal Michiels

After having finished my studies 'Business Engineer' at the Free University of Brussels I quickly found myself working in Media Analysis for the likes of clients as Mercedes, BMW, Opel, the Olympic City Bids, and Ford Europe at Report International. Soon I had to lead an international field of twenty-plus aspiring young students from all over the world all with the ambition to once work as reporters, or in journalism. As the company moved to London I stayed behind to soon become a proud father for the first time. By then, as a professional coach in Business IT, I became an independent consultant working for companies worldwide. After working a decade for GlaxoSmithKline I moved on to work as a teacher with teenagers having Autism Spectrum Disorder. Then came a message from my old friend Henno Lubbers (CEO).. and the rest is history. In the position of the SEO & Social Media Manager I strive to inspire all our young talents (and some older gaffers) in their quest for producing more and more quality news. Being a tennisfan since the infamous Borg-McEnroe Wimbledon final I later saw myself even create tennis scenario prediction models of .. game scores! In my role I occasionally help our younger guns out in writing articles as writing is my first love really. Anna probably second. So what about then? Well, we're working on it. Day and night really, together with Site Manager & Head Editor Samuel Gill, Andre Liliomos (Sales & Social), and Ron van der Laan (Media). A wonderful journey you will hopefully enjoy reading.


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