During the tough times, still young Reilly Opelka showed that he has a big heart. The American donated 500 face masks to the city of Palm Coast, to help during these difficult times. Reilly grew up in Palm Coast as his family moved there from Michigan.
"For me, it's just a small way to thank the essential workers and medical staff that have been keeping Palm Coast up and running during these difficult times. Palm Coast has always been extremely supportive of me and so has MULCH. It was the perfect opportunity to support one another and give back," said Opelka.
"Palm Coast is where I grew up, it's where my parents still live. So, it's pretty much still home for me. A lot of people are still working through this difficult situation and experiencing some tough times. It's a small gesture, a small way to say thank you. I think 500 masks will go a long way in a city like Palm Coast," Opelka said.