Osaka is renowned for her introverted personality and shyness and she wants to help end that perception going forward.
“I’m done being shy. It’s really a waste of my time. I could’ve shared so many ideas by now, I could’ve had conversations with so many different people. All the things I could’ve learned but no I’m over here actually putting my own limiter on myself,” she previously wrote on Twitter.
"For me, I have a lot of regrets before I go to sleep, and most of the regret is that I don't speak out about what I'm thinking," she explains in an interview with CNN Sport.
"There's a lot of times where I see myself in situations where I could have put my input in, but instead I've held my tongue and things kept moving in a way that I didn't really enjoy."
"I feel like if I asserted myself I would have gotten the opportunity to see what would have happened."
Osaka discussed meeting Jay-Z and Beyonce and spoke about how that experience which went wrong from her perspective due to being such a huge fan made her come to that realisation.
"He started talking to me, but I got really nervous and started giving one word replies so he suddenly said, 'Are you shy?' and I said, 'yeah,' and the convo came to a screeching halt."
"I want to take the chance to tell people I appreciate them while I can," she continued.
"I would like to thank Jay-Z and Beyoncé for making music that motivates me, because there was a period in my life where I just watched Beyoncé performances to get motivated.
"Even right now I'm listening to older Jay-Z songs because I feel like they're really chill."