Samuel Gill

Samuel Gill

Long-standing sports journalist based in the United Kingdom. Site Manager and Head Editor for with previous experience working on a myriad of sports including Darts, Basketball, Wrestling, Football, and Motorsport. Thrilled to be the head editor of In this role, I am in charge of planning, editing, and publishing content for the website, covering a wide range of topics related to tennis, such as news, analysis, features, previews, columns, tournament reports, and more. I also recruit, train, and manage a team of talented and knowledgeable writers and contributors, who share my vision and passion for the sport. Well known from others to have a certain flair for storytelling (their words not mine!), and a knack for finding and creating engaging and relevant content for our target audience. A fan from a young age first, I see tennis as a fascinating and exciting sport, and I love to share my passion and knowledge with our readers. I believe that I can bring a fresh and innovative perspective to the site, and help it grow and thrive in the competitive and dynamic online tennis landscape.


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