Raducanu drops out of top 100 amid recent surgery as ranking continues to plummet

Tuesday, 09 May 2023 at 00:00
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Emma Raducanu's ranking continues to plummet as the British player is now out of the top 100 with more dropping incoming after her double surgery recently.
Raducanu is away from tennis and it's hard to say when she will make her comeback. It's going to be months at least with some speculating that she could return around the US Open. For Raducanu getting healthy and fit is the main priority so she probably is not thinking a lot about the rankings right now.
On the latest one, Raducanu suffered a drop from 85th in the world to 103rd in the world. That drop will continue to happen until Raducanu loses the vast majority of her points so the comeback will be very tough because she might need to play a lot of qualifiers initially. Maybe it's good for her to have that proper reset and get healthy as she didn't seem healthy for a while.
Certainly not this and certainly not for much of last year.

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