Nick Kyrgios separating himself from scandal-hit influencer Andrew Tate

Friday, 28 June 2024 at 02:30
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Australian tennis player Nick Kyrgios claims to have distanced himself from controversial influencer Andrew Tate, following the latter's latest run-in with the law.
Tate and his brother Tristan are currently set to face a trial in Romania after being arrested in December 2023 over allegations of rape, human trafficking and forming a criminal gang - charges they deny. Earlier in February this year, Kyrgios had shared a post from Andrew Tate.

Kyrgios clarifies his involvement with Tate

As more news came to light involving Tate's alleged actions, Kyrgios was quick to release a statement saying he was unaware of the influencer's actions when he reposted his clips.
"I was not aware of the full picture when I reposted Andrew Tate," a statement from Kyrgios to BBC Radio 4's Woman's Hour read.
Kyrgios himself has been facing some trouble with the law lately, as the former Wimbledon finalist pleaded guilty in February 2023 to assaulting his ex-girlfriend.
"What I did was wrong, and I think I’ve been very clear about that. I reacted to a difficult situation in a way that I deeply regret," Kyrgios said. "I have apologized, and I really meant when I said nothing like it will ever happen again.
"For now, I’m just so happy to be here at Wimbledon and doing my best to share some insights into the tournament for everyone watching on the BBC.”
The former World No.13 will be part of BBC's TV team at Wimbledon, which begins on Monday. Kyrgios will feature on BBC TV for six days of Wimbledon, which runs until 14 July.

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