The chronic condition can cause swelling and stiffness in the joints; it mainly affects mainly hands, wrists and feet. While the American doesn't know how long the recovery will take; adjustments will be made to her diet and training programme to help her body recover.
Caroline Wozniacki is known as the other high profile player to suffer with this condition; despite releasing this statement, the Australian Open semi-finalist will be involved at the Luxembourg Open next week.
“I have not been feeling all that great for quite some time; but it has been somewhat of a relief and completely validating to understand the cause behind my pain.” Collins said in an Instagram post.
“I am certainly not the first person who has been diagnosed with a chronic illness; and I really feel for all of the people out there who are struggling.”
“While I don’t know for sure what my journey to recovery will be, I do know that I feel positive about getting back on the court.” Collins added. “I feel like now I can get better and address my body’s needs in fighting this disease.”