Eugenie Bouchard hits back at criticism surrounding 'money can't buy' Jessica Pegula dig

Tuesday, 10 September 2024 at 21:49
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Eugenie Bouchard has hit back at criticism over a tweet that in her mind was read wrongly and blown way out of proportion surrounding Jessica Pegula.
Bouchard, a former Wimbledon finalist quote tweeted a prior comment saying that they don't get the bad rap that Pegula gets due to her family's wealth. A lot of stories surroudning the American No.1 in particular centre around her perceived status as the world's richest tennis player.
Her father Terry Pegula is a billionaire oil magnate who built his wealth from the ground up and also owns the Buffalo Bills. But like Emma Navarro who also appeared in the latter stages of the US Open, the unlikable tag due to the wealth of her family is thrown about.
"Money can’t buy a US Open final lol," said Bouchard initially which got heavy criticism as well as people backtracking that in reality she is merely complimenting Pegula and it is just read wrong.
She responded to a tweet saying that initially they thought she was dissing Pegula but then backtracked when they reread it. "Literally how? I’m complimenting her, she achieved a GS (Grand Slam) finals bc of hard work, dedication, etc. not bc of money. You can’t buy your way thru the us open draw. She’s amazing. Leaving this app (rolling eyes emoji," wrote Bouchard on X.
Bouchard got heavy criticism for her initial comment with people saying that she left tennis for modelling and criticising her career routes as a clapback. But it seems that perhaps all wasn't as it seems when it came to the initial comment made by the former Wimbledon finalist. Instead it seems she meant it to merely laud Pegula over giving her criticism.
As well as discussing the nonsensical nature that money can buy Grand Slam finals when Pegula has shown that it is talent and not her finances or perceived backing that has helped her reach the top.

Literally how? I’m complimenting her, she achieved a GS finals bc of hard work, dedication, etc. not bc of money. You can’t buy your way thru the us open draw. She’s amazing. Leaving this app 🙄

Kay Brooks
Kay Brooks

I thought Genie was dissing Jess, & I was really shocked. But yes, rereading it, it seems she’s actually complimenting Pegula.


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