Latvian government in U-turn as Ostapenko's funding set to continue after public backlash

Thursday, 16 March 2023 at 10:30
Jelena Ostapenko got her state funding suspended a few days ago but after she publicly spoke out and after the government got heavy backlash they reversed their decision.
Initially, Ostapenko was set to stop receiving state funding from the Latvian government under the excuse that they competed in events where Russians and Belarussians competed. The whole situation received a lot of criticism due to the absurd reasoning which mostly is not even in control of Ostapenko and fellow athletes.
After Ostapenko and several others spoke out against the decision the government reversed it's decision only days later stating:
"Evaluating the circumstances related to the withholding of financial benefits for athletes of the Latvian Olympic team Aļona Ostapenko, Tom Skujiņš and Kristas Neiland, as well as listening to the opinion of the Latvian Cycling Federation and the Latvian Tennis Union, the Ministry of Education and Science in cooperation with the Latvian Olympic Committee has prepared amendments to the agreement on the state financial support for the athletes of the Latvian Olympic team."
They further added:
"The amendments from today foresee preventing the withholding of benefits for the mentioned athletes and will ensure the full amount of funding"

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