"He's going to do big things in his career": Novak Djokovic full of praise for 18-year-old talent Dino Prizmic after Australian Open scare

Sunday, 14 January 2024 at 16:00
Novak Djokovic had to work hard to prevail in his opener at the 2024 Australian Open with the 10-time champion seeing off Dino Prizmic 6-2, 6-7, 6-3, 6-4 in four hours in his longest ever first round tie at a Grand Slam with the 18-year-old talent the only player to take the Serbian all the way past four hours.
Djokovic didn't soak up the acclaim afterwards on Rod Laver Arena and instead aimed it at Prizmic who was the player who left with his stock firmly risen including in the mind of the 24-time Grand Slam champion who said he wants to be in his corner and that he is going to do big things in his career. Big statements from Djokovic after an incredible scare to open up and as ever with Djokovic likely his one scare he needed to dominate the rest of the tournament.

Novak Djokovic gives praise to Dino Prizmic after beating him at Australian Open: “He deserves every applause.. Every credit he got tonight. He’s an amazing player. So mature for his age. He handled himself incredibly well. This is his moment honestly. It could’ve been his match…

"He deserves every applause.. Every credit he got tonight. He’s an amazing player. So mature for his age. He handled himself incredibly well. This is his moment honestly. It could’ve been his match as well. He was a break up in the 3rd. He fought," he said post match.
"He showed great mentality. Resilience. He made me run for my money tonight. I have many many praises and compliments for him. I love the way he’s using every inch of the court. He’s comfortable to come in & defends incredibly well. Amazing performance for someone who’s 18 and never had experience playing on a big stage. Big kudos to him, his team, & family. I certainly want to be in his corner. Hopefully he’ll invite me because he’s going to do big things in his career.”

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