"I wish I knew that there were gonna be some really tough times": Kyrgios graces Esquire Australia cover talking about highs and lows of career

Wednesday, 07 June 2023 at 01:00
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In a recent interview with Esquire Australia, tennis star Nick Kyrgios spoke about the highlights and low-points of his tumultuous career.
The Aussie star, known for his volatile behavior on and off the court, opened up about the challenges of being unpredictable on tour. Esquire Australia shared the magazine's cover on social media.
"Love him or hate him, you can’t ignore the talent of Nick Kyrgios. In his Esquire Australia cover story, the mercurial tennis star from Canberra opens up about the highs and lows of his career so far, and the pressure of becoming one of the most iconic athletes in Australian sport," the caption read.
Amongst several other topics, Kyrgios spoke about the struggles of being thrust into the limelight at a very young age.
"I didn’t realize how many ups and downs there would be,” he said. “I wish I knew that there were gonna be some really tough times and some really brutal times ahead, and there were gonna be some amazing moments… At a young age, I would ride the highs and lows a lot and that was exhausting.”

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