Goran Ivanisevic was asked about Djokovic playing at the US Open and the Croatian stated the obvious in a typically funny way.
As of right now, Novak Djokovic can't and won't play at the US Open due to the country's ban on unvaccinated foreigners entering it. Djokovic said at Wimbledon that he would not be getting vaccinated and by doing that he pretty much closed the only realistically viable way for him to play.
The US Open won't apply for an exemption even if there are petitions going in his name and the US Government won't change its policies, especially not with the number of cases around the world rising once more. When asked about it, Ivanisevic said:
"I don't know about the US Open, it's difficult for me. I am more optimistic that director Tomislav Poljak will give me an invitation and that I will win Umag, than that they will let him go to the US Open. As a country, they are closed to the unvaccinated, for now he cannot enter the country."
Djokovic is facing a pretty lenghty late summer vacation as he won't be able to enter North America at all.