"It's part and parcel of life": Judy Murray believes it would be a 'lonely existence' if tennis players adopted sex bans

Tuesday, 13 June 2023 at 15:30
judy murray with the emma raducanu nial smith prints signed
Getting the most out of your athletes has always been something that people have looked at and more recently banning sex has become quite a popular one.
It's widely known that is some sports atheltes are heavily discouraged from having sexual intercourse because it can impact athletic performance. Two notable examples are that of Pep Guardiola and Joachim Low. Both football coaches have places restrictiosn on their players in terms of sex which some have questioned. According to a report Guardiola has discouraged players from having sex after midnight because it can impact sleep which in turn will impact your performance on the field.
It's not something that's been widely adopted because there is no proof that it really does impact but some folk tales do exist. Such bans don't exist in tennis but there is a good chance that some players practice it themselves. The majority of players don't travel with partners and their escapades outside of the courts are private matters anyways.

Judy Murray rubbishes sex bans

In any case, Judy Murray doesn't think it should be enforced in tennis because the tennis life is lonely as it is:
“No, absolutely not. I mean, it's part and parcel of life, isn't it? And I think one of the things certainly on the tennis tour is it's a very lonely existence. You're travelling the world for probably 10 and a half, 11 months of the year, the circuit just goes on and on and on. So it's really important to have as normal a social life as you can possibly have. And that's why many, many players travel with family and partners.”
Murray has a point and it's likely a widespread opinion among players and coaches but that doesn't mean that we won't see such rules imposed in the future.

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