The 6-time Grand Slam champion announced her return from retirement this season with respectable showings at Dubai and Monterrey. However, the Belgian probably did not have a comeback in mind when she participated in a doubles invitational match at Wimbledon in 2017.
Paired with Australian Renee Stubbs, the duo faced off against Conchita Martinez and Andrea Jaeger. Clijsters had just asked her teammate where she should serve when a courtside-seated fan shouted out his suggestion.
“You said ‘body?’” Clijsters asked in response. “Why don’t you go there?”
To the fan's astonishment, Martinez and Jaeger joined in the fun and offered to let him play on their team.
Wimbledon's strict dress code requires every player to wear all-white on the court. The fan, dressed in a green shirt and blue shorts lacked the appropriate attire.
However, Clijsters came to his rescue, giving him a spare white skirt and zip jacket from her tennis bag. The fan, being portly in nature, proceeded to wear the outfit with some difficulty. Clijsters could barely contain herself and collapsed to the ground in laughter.
After a quick rally that saw the fan actually return the Belgian's serve, he took a picture with the players before returning to his seat.