"He was grateful for the attention my case brought": Novak Djokovic developed special bond with detainee during Australian Open ordeal

Monday, 15 January 2024 at 14:00
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Novak Djokovic described the feeling of returning to the same terminal where the 2022 vaccine saga began as leaving his 'stomach in knots' as he walked the same path that saw him deported ahead of the Australian Open.
Djokovic infamously went through a saga and a court case two years ago surrounding an exemption due to not wanting to take the mandated vaccine for COVID-19. The new administration in Australia tore up the ban for Djokovic and he triumphantly won last year on his return.
He spoke about returning to the terminal where it all happened and that despite the anguish he felt, good came of it as those detained with him in the Park Hotel were freed quicker due to the spotlight put onto the case. In particular a nine year detainee called Mehdi who he said he has kept in contact with and will visit when he is in the USA later in the year.
"When I came this year, we landed at the same terminal as in 2022 – I saw the whole path I went over that day, the immigration office, I even recognized a man who was there two years ago. It did not feel, my stomach was in knots," said Djokovic as per Tennis Majors.
"From what I’ve understood, most of the detainees were released. It was one good thing that came out of all that… because of me, that place got so much media attention, the pressure from the media followed & people were released.”
“I feel some kind of special connection with Mehdi. We keep in touch, he lives in Minnesota now, so we will see each other when I go to the US. He told me that he was grateful for the attention my case brought,” concluded Djokovic.

Novak Djokovic says he developed a special connection with an Iranian detainee who spent 9 years in detention: “From what I’ve understood, most of the detainees were released. It was one good thing that came out of all that… because of me, that place got so much media…

📸 Edgar Su/Reuters
📸 AFP via Getty

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