"I can't predict what's going on 100% in the future": Rafael Nadal 'probably' retiring in 2024, but restrains from making definitive decision

Sunday, 31 December 2023 at 17:00
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Rafael Nadal made his return to action in a losing effort alongside Marc Lopez at the Brisbane International as the Spaniard takes what many believe will be his final journey of his tennis career in 2024.
But not so fast as Nadal has set a 'probably' on his tennis future as he spoke before the tournament got underway. He will face Dominic Thiem on January 2 at the Brisbane International.

'High percentage' Nadal will 'probably' retire

This 'probably' comes down to not knowing what is to come in terms of his body and potential injuries so he can't rule out continuing or even putting a halt on his career earlier. But he admitted, it is a 'high percentage' that he will leave tennis at the end of 2024.
Albeit with a remark to end off that the media shouldn't tell him it was going to be his last year as he says it has always been a maybe and not 100% confirmed.
"The problem about saying that's going to be my last season is I can't predict what's going on 100% on the future. That's the thing. That's why I say 'probably,'" he said.
"It's obvious that it's a high percentage that's going to be my last time playing here in Australia. But if I am here next year, don't tell me, You said [2024 was] going to be your last season, because I didn't say it (smiling). I just say have been an important percentage," he added.

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