He must have a very special Type 1 diabetes that requires him to inject insulin 3 or 4 times during a match that lasts up to 4 hours max. Could it be the adrenaline making his blood sugar spike during a match?
He must have a very special Type 1 diabetes that requires him to inject insulin 3 or 4 times during a match that lasts up to 4 hours max. Could it be the adrenaline making his blood sugar spike during a match?
Good lord - disappointing but not surprising that in 2023 someone would say that something a disabled person does routinely is weird. We should be normalizing accommodations NOT stigmatized them.
Hopefully he can contribute to ending the stigma he’s describing. Maybe his story will make this topic less “weird” and that would be a good thing because a lot of people have diabetes.
Over injecting leads to low blood sugar if you don’t eat the proper amount of carbohydrates… really confused with how he manages his diabetes, curious too. It’s like in movies when Type 1 characters get injected insulin when they’re having a low, doesn’t make much sense.