"Only time people watch are when it's singles players or the Bryan Bros": Opelka calls for culling of doubles in ATP

Sunday, 12 March 2023 at 23:06
opelka iw
Reilly Opelka put on his best 'shock value' hat on calling for the abolition of doubles tennis in total explaining that nobody cares about it unless it's the Bryan Brothers.
Doubles tennis is not as popular as singles tennis and it's been that way for much of the sport's history. It can be an exciting watch it's just that people are not particularly involved in the individuals playing on that side of the sport. If prominent singles players team up, it's usually a packed house.
During a recent Q and A session, Opelka responded to a fan asking what he would change in the ATP Tour if he had the power and chance to do so. His response was simple:
"Get rid of doubles, only time people watch are when its singles players or the bry bros."
It's not the first he made a bombastic claim as he's really not afraid to speak his mind on any or many issues. He recently thrashed the Break point series calling it 'booboo'. Opelka is currently away from the sport due to a hip surgery.

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