Tsitsipas catches heat on Twitter for another curious post

Friday, 15 July 2022 at 15:30
tsitsipas open 13 2022
Stefanos Tsitsipas loves Twitter and the Greek player will oftentimes catch some fire for his Tweets that can be iffy at times.
Just today he caught some heat on the social media platform after posting a tweet that got many fans riled up. He wrote:
"I never realised how short an actual month is until I started paying rent."
As always, whatever you do, you can't make everyone happy and everyone certainly wasn't happy with this Tweet. Some people took it as a joke and had fun with it while others struck a serious tone unhappy with a wealthy person saying such things. Check out some of the reactions to it:
“I just paid my rent and I’m thinking from now to next month. I’m sure Stefanos will be able to buy a whole house in the meantime."
"If you pay rent, then who owns houses,”
“Nick Kyrgios probably been living rent free in your head since Wimbledon loss"
“Why haven’t you bought your own house already. You should have at least 2 properties already. A training base in Miami or a hot place and one in a tax haven such as Switzerland or Monaco. You gotta be smart with money when you have it."
“You pay rent ? shouldn’t you have purchased a house or 2 by now."

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