"It's difficult because of their ages" says Toni Nadal on Djokovic, Nadal and Federer winning majors in the future

Tuesday, 15 February 2022 at 08:00
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Novak Djokovic, Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer won't be winning too many grand slams in the future, at least according to Toni Nadal who believes that age is catching up to them.
The Spanish coach was the longtime coach of Rafael Nadal and helped him create one of the best tennis careers the world has ever seen. It's a career that is still going strong as he recently shoed at the Australian Open becoming the first player to claim 21 grand slam trophies. Toni Nadal was asked whether 21 grand slams will be enough to win he said:
"I have no idea. I wish I did. Djokovic is in theory the favourite to win Wimbledon, at Roland Garros I hope it will be Rafael and the US Open I don't know. It [21] may or may not be enough. The reality is that it is increasingly difficult to win a Grand Slam because of their ages and because of the players who come from below [the next gen]."
Nadal also touched upon Nadal's foot issue that has plagued him since 2005 admitting that Nadal achieved unbelievable things considering the prognosis:
"The specialist who saw him in 2005 told us that it would be very difficult for him to do sport at the highest level, but Rafael has been defying that in the best possible way, because he has been able to face up to a difficult situation. He looked like he was going to have a short career, but everything has turned out much better than we expected. He will have a solution when he finishes his career, but not while he is playing."

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